About M&M Cage Company
Inspired by the challenges we face breeding birds ourselves, M&M has developed a line of breeding cages and accessories designed to:
Automate the chores that can be automated.
Take the labor out of the chores that can’t be automated.
Provide the safest, cleanest, stress free environment for your birds.
As a mechanical engineer by trade, Mark Schack applied his 30+ years of automation experience in the manufacturing industry to the bird room. He continuously modified existing cages to improve efficiencies. Over time, he has designed cages and accessories that are time-savers and address many of the troubles that we knew others faced as well.
We are breeders of finches and canaries and use the equipment we design in our own operation. In doing so, there will be continuous improvements not only from our experience, but also because we actively listen to other breeders and learn the issues they face.
A Note From Mark:
Greetings fellow breeders. I’ll bet your story is a lot like mine. You had a couple birds as pets and thought, “man would it be fun to breed birds”. So you got a pair or two, they built a nest, laid some eggs, made some babies and created in you this unquenchable desire for more. Before you knew it every available space in your house, garage and back shed was filled with breeding cages. The other thing you noticed was any life you once had outside the bird room was pretty much gone. It’s a darn shame.
Although bird breeding is a fun hobby, nothing can take over your life like this hobby can so I got out. Years later I was dragged back into it kicking and screaming by my wife, Marjori (the other ‘M’ in M&M). I did it under one condition, that I would not be chained to the bird room by daily watering and feeding. That’s when I designed my first automated watering system and learned about seed hoppers. After many design changes, flooded basements, and really bad ideas, I can truly say that I am very proud of the outcome of my labor. You will never regret purchasing any of our products.
The thing you will notice about my product designs is the simplicity and "blue collar" look to them. I kept the "fancy" out and put the "economical" in. It’s a bird room not an art gallery right? I make as much of the products as I can in the USA. All of the assembly and shipping are done in Wisconsin to keep the cost down for you.
I hope you enjoy M&M’s products as much as I do.